Frequently Asked Questions

After submitting a claim how fast will we get paid?
Our goal is to pay the same day. Unlike any other funding company, we have an on staff attorney to verify the difficult claims especially group employer claims. So, in certain circumstances, depending on insurance and verification, it may take longer. Unlike other companies who falsely advertise same day payment and don’t have an attorney to get faster verification, there is no funding company out there that can verify claims as fast as us.
What is needed to submit a claim?
Our one page Irrevocable Assignment, a funeral bill and a proof of death. NO SPECIFIC CLAIM FORMS REQUIRED!!
Do you require a death certificate to be paid?
No, please send it to us with the original paperwork as soon as you receive it though.
How do we know the status of our claim?
We will fax/email you a confirmation when you are paid or you can log into your account through our website and check status of claim.
What do we need to send to you and when?
All of the original paperwork and the original death certificate as soon as possible..
What are our payment options?
We are happy to wire money to your account, send an ACH or overnight a check to you.
What happens if the insurance policy's value is more than the assignment?
The excess proceeds will go directly to the beneficiary (ies) from the insurance company.
If there is more than one insurance company that we submit a claim for, do we need to send more than one original death certificate?
Yes, we need an original death certificate for each insurance company
We only have a pending Death certificate can we send that?
Yes, please send the original pending death certificate, we will be paid using that.
If there is a problem with the claim do you charge the funeral home back?
Never, we do NOT charge back…only in the case of fraud.